We are very happy to host in our headquarters the Welcome Cocktail for the Sao Paulo UIA Seminar on Tax Incentives and Foreign Investment. The Cocktail will happen from 6:00 to 8:00 pm, on March 7 in our offices in the Ed. Tomie Ohtake. In the following 2 days (March 8th and March 9th) this important Seminar will take place in the IASP (Instituto dos Advogados de São Paulo) and will count with the participation of 3 lawyers from our law firm (Antonio Lopes Sampaio, Alfredo Capra e Eduardo Lorenzetti Marques) and colleagues from other 14 jurisdictions. More information about the Seminar: http://www.uianet.org/en/evenement/type-46990/tax-incentives-and-foreign-direct-investment-fdi

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