Eduardo Lorenzetti Marques
Partner – Brazilian and Italian, member of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Section, and of the Milan Bar Association, Italy, and of the Portuguese Bar Association, Lisbon Section, his main area of practice is international business law. For over 30 years he has been assisting foreign companies in investments in Latin America (especially in Brazil) and vice versa, Latin American companies in investments in Europe (especially in Italy and Portugal). Graduated in law at the University of São Paulo in 1989, he also attended the law course at the Università degli Studi in Milan and obtained the degrees of Master in International Law from the London School of Economics at the University of London (LLM 1994) and Ph.D. in International Law by the University of San Paulo (Ph.D. 2001). He gave lectures and acted professionally in several countries, among which stand out Brazil, Italy, Argentina, the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Holland, and Portugal. He was a university professor for more than 15 years and has several publications in Brazil and abroad, including two books of his authorship. He was a member of the British Chamber legal committee for over 10 years and is a member of the Italian-Brazilian Chamber legal committee, both from São Paulo. He is also a member of IBA (International Bar Association) and UIA (Union Internationale des Avocats), in the last one he held the positions of president of the Foreign Investment Commission and president of the Latin American Lawyers Forum, for 5 years, until November 2021. Currently he is President of the Foreign Investment Commission of the FALP (Federation of Portuguese-speaking Lawyers). In his practice as an Italian lawyer he is a member of the LATAM Desk of the Italian law firm Ughi e Nunziante and as a Portuguese lawyer he is a member of the Italian Desk of Abreu Advogados.